Link Collection

Link collection study financing

Other consulting services:

Social Counseling des Studierendenwerk Darmstadt

Deutsches Studentenwerk: Study Financing

Consumer Center

Tacheles - Current information on unemployment benefit II, social assistance and basic benefits

DGB-Campus Office - Advice on student financing, part-time jobs and internships at the TU and the h_da


Stellenwerk Darmstadt Job portal for students and graduates

Job portal of the Hochschule Darmstadt

Jobs and profession- find and apply - Info page who advises students on what

Student Financing:

KfW-Studien Credit

Scholarship Information:

Stipendienlotse interactive platform of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

German Studentenwerk


Aufstiegsstipendium für Berufserfahrene




a few FAQ about scholarships have been compiled by our comeTOgether tutor

BAföG und Studium

The  German Student Union (DSW) coordinates and supports the work of the Studentenwerke/Studierendenwerke as their umbrella organization, represents their interests vis-à-vis other university associations or organizations and informs the public. It is responsible for the socio-political interests of students.

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research offers advice and up-to-date information on BAföG

Frequently asked questions about BAföG (FAQ)

If you have questions regarding the repayment of the BAföG loan, the Federal Office of Administration in Cologne will provide information.

Netzwerk "Wege ins Studium"

Studis online: Website with hints on studying and BAföG - no "official" info, but worth reading!

Help in emergency situations:

Students of the TU and h_da Darmstadt who find themselves in an economic emergency situation have the possibility to turn to the support associations of their university.

h_da Studierende please contact: Verein zur Förderung in Not geratener Studierender an der Hochschule Darmstadt e.V.

TU Studierende please contact:  Förderverein  für  in  Not  geratene  Studierende der Technischen Universität Darmstadt e.V.

You can find more info about this and debt on the page Financial problems.



Mensa Lichtwiese

Peter-Grünberg-Straße 3
64287 Darmstadt


Tel (06151) 16-29958
Fax (06151)-96994337

Studierendenwerk Darmstadt
Postfach 10 13 21
64213 Darmstadt