intercultural affairs

Intercultural Affairs

Contacts, Orientation, Events, Workshops and more …

... ... for students (h_da and TU Darmstadt), employees in the university context, prospective students and citizens of Darmstadt.

In 2023, the Intercultural Tutor Team (ITT) celebrated its 10th anniversary!

Our motto: Let's celebrate diversity! In our "Best off ITT" event series we celebrated the most popular events of the last decade.



Intercultural Affairs

Mensa Stadtmitte

Alexanderstraße 4
64283 Darmstadt


Intercultural Affairs stands up against each kind of group-focused enmity and discrimination.


If you witness or experience discrimination, please report the incident


If you look for counselling because you have been subjected to right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim or antiziganist violence, you can turn with confidence to