
Financial hardship or debt...

...can arise quickly during studies:

  • Parents suddenly can't send any more money,
  • the part-time job is not enough for extra expenses or
  • a cell phone contract was signed, but not properly understood.

etwas Münzgeld auf dem Tisch

Incomprehensible letters in "official German", unfamiliar legal bases and bureaucratic procedures usually exacerbate the distress and cause additional costs. Once the debts have been incurred, some people ask themselves anxiously: What happens now? What should I do? Who can I ask for adv

ice without fear of consequences?

Here you will find information on typical debt traps and risk factors.  We show you the way and give you tips on what to do in an emergency and who to turn to.



Social Counselling

Tel (06151) 16298-59, 16298-60


Mensa Stadtmitte S1|11
room 119, 120
Alexanderstr. 4, 64283 Darmstadt

Campus Hochschule Darmstadt
Studierendenhaus C23, room 04.07
Schöfferstraße 3, 64295 Darmstadt

Info on the current counselling can be found here

What do I do if I have debts?

  • The sooner you seek help, the better! This gives you time to find unbureaucratic solutions and avert negative consequences.
  • Please open official letters, even if the content is not pleasant and difficult to understand. Pick up such letters and have them explained to you. Also pay attention to appeal deadlines - if a deadline is missed, the matter is considered accepted.
  • Keep your bank statements. They can serve as proof of your financial situation.


If you have any questions about loans, contracts or insurance, please feel free to contact us - your social counseling service. We treat all questions confidentially and do not pass on any information to third parties!


More info and help

More online information related to finance