Psychological Counselling
If you are studying at TU Darmstadt or h_da, we support you gladly if you need assistance or clarification regarding the following topics:
- Anxiety regarding exams
- Difficulties in concentration
- Choice of study / dropout
- Difficulties completing your studies / worrying about the future
- Depressive mood
- Anxiety
- Family / relationship conflicts
- Sexuality
- Difficulties making friends, loneliness
- Self-doubt and lack of confidence
- Feelings of restlessness, inability to relax
- Various other psychological or physical symptoms
We offer
- Individual counselling
- Counselling with your partner, family members or someone close to you
- Group sessions
- Mindfullness Training- in English
- Diesseits - Exchange for students whose mother and/or father has died (in German)
- Prüfungsangst - Group against exam anxiety (in German)
- Prokrastination- against procrastination (in German)
Please don't hesitate to seek our professional assistance in case of personal or study related problems. It is not a sign of weakness, but rather of self-assurance to call on external assistance to resolve personal matters.
Our services are free of charge. Professional confidentiality is a precondition for our work and guaranteed. Your name and any further relevant data are only known to the counseling team.
Counselling takes place in person or via video (we don't provide written counselling).
Please note:
Please refrain from sending us inquiries via e-mail. As communication is not encrypted we cannot guarantee cofidentiality this way.