
Events winter semester 2024

The Intercultural Tutors Team offers an extensive event program each semester for all students from the h_da and the TU Darmstadt. You can also find further events of Counselling and Social Affairs and Intercultural Affairs in this overview.

You can discover exciting insights into ITT on Instagram.

Important Note for Participation:

When you click on the respective event tile, you will find the email addresses for registration.

Please note: You only need to register by email for events with a specified registration deadline! For the other events, you can join without prior registration. We are excited to see you there!


Contact for questions

Intercultural Tutors Team

Mensa Stadtmitte
Alexanderstraße 4
64283 Darmstadt


Past tutor-led events - Winter Semester 2024

  1. Karaoke (24.10.)
  2. Ludwigshöhe (02.11.)
  3. Play ITT (07.11.)
  4. Welcome Turnier (09.11.)
  5. Citytour Wiesbaden (16.11.)
  6. ESOC (27.11.)
  7. Merck (05.12.)
  8. Play ITT (05.12.)
  9. Cook ‘n’ eat Plätzchen (14.12.)
  10. Christmasmarket Darmstadt (17.12.)
  11. Nine-pin (18.01.)
  12. Meeting for students over 25 (24.1.)
  13. Play ITT (06.02.)
  14. Carnival Parade Frankfurt (02.03.)


If you have any questions or suggestions: E-Mail

Past Intercultural affairs Events - Winter Semester 2024

  1. Global Picnic (27.09.)
  2. DSW Exhibition (1. -25.10.)
  3. DSW Opening Event (09.10.)
  4. Studying without academic parents (20.11.)
  5. Ableism Workshop (25.11.)
  6. Racism Workshop (02.12.)
  7. Sexism Workshop (09.12.)
  8. Classism Workshop (16.12.)
  9. Mein Raum Ausstellung (13.1. - 21.2.)


If you have any questions or suggestions: E-Mail