FAQ Studying with disabilities and/or chron. Diseases

FAQ - Studying with a disability and/ or chronic illness(es)


  • Definition of terms
  • Access to studies
  • Compensation for disadvantages
  • Financing
  • Special regulations regarding BAföG
  • Studying with a handicap
  • International students - with disabilities and/ or chronic illnesses
  • Housing and mobility with a handicap
  • Information for lecturers
  • After graduation: Starting a career with a handicap

Definition of terms


Social Counselling

Tel (06151) 16-29859, 16-29860


Mensa Stadtmitte S1|11
room 119, 120
Alexanderstr. 4, 64283 Darmstadt

Campus Hochschule Darmstadt
Studierendenhaus C23, room 04.07
Schöfferstraße 3, 64295 Darmstadt

Info on the current counselling can be found here.

Access to studies

Compensation for disadvantages

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Special regulations for receiving BaföG

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Studying with a handicap

International students - with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses

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Housing and mobility with a handicap

Information for lecturers

After graduation: Career entry with a handicap

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more information

Flyer accessible sports offers in Darmstadt (pdf only available in German)

Action Plan of the Hessian Student Unions (pdf only available in German)

Handbook (pdf only available in German)

Broschüre Studium mit Behinderung

Handbook " Studying and Disability" of the DSW (our umbrella organisation)

Action Plan Studierendenwerk Darmstadt (pdf only available in German)