Climate action week in the canteen

"Double for the climate with the Climate food plate" - Save emissions & finance local reforestation with the Climate food plate.

All guests who choose the Climate food plate ("Klimateller") in the dining halls of the Studierendenwerk Darmstadt during the campaign week from September 29 - October 7 make a double contribution to climate protection:

  • The Klimateller produces at least 50% less emissions than a normal meal.
  • 50 cents of the price will be donated to the Darmstadt Forestry Office for the reforestation of local forests.

The donations of the guests in the refectories Lichtwiese and Stadtmitte will be doubled by the TU Darmstadt (up to 10.000€) to achieve an even higher climate protection effect through the reforestation.

Finance one twelfth of a tree per Klimateller

12 Klimateller with 50 cents donation share each = 1 planted tree in forests of the Darmstadt Forestry Office at a cost of 6€ each for purchase, planting and wildlife protection measures (fence or single cover). The new trees will be planted on areas in the Darmstadt Forestry Office (Pfungstadt, Griesheim, Modautal, Mühltal, Ober-Ramstadt, Bessungen, Kranichstein, Seeheim-Jugenheim..) that need to be reforested due to drought and game damage.

Possible tree species for reforestation: sessile oak, winter linden, Norway maple, Douglas fir and occasionally service tree.

Anyone who does not want to eat the Klimateller but would like to donate to the local forest can indicate this at the checkout and donate an extra 50 cents on top of their meal price or put the desired amount in cash into one of the donation boxes.

As soon as it is clear at the end of the year which areas need to be replanted, we will inform you where your donations will be put to use

How much CO2 can the trees compensate?

One beech tree binds approx. 12.5 kilograms of CO2 per year. Therefore, 80 trees would have to be planted in order to compensate for one ton of CO2 per year through trees. It should be noted that trees build up rather small biomass stocks in the first few years after planting. It is only with increasing age that CO2 is increasingly bound.

A hectare of forest can store around 6 tons of CO2 per year, and the older the tree, the more.

According to the Carbon Inventory 2017, the German forest relieves the atmosphere of around 62 million tons of carbon dioxide annually. It thus compensates for around 7% of emissions in Germany.

Exact values per tree cannot be given.




Sustainability Manager

Georg Richarz

Porträt des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagers Georg Richarz

phone: 06151 16-29438
