FAQ Study with children

FAQ Study with children

Studies and pregnancy

Finances: BAföG with child

Finances: Parental allowance (Elterngeld)

Finances: Child benefit (Kindergeld)

Finances: Housing benefit (Wohngeld)

Finances: Benefits according to social code II (SGB II)

Finances: Education and participation (according to social code II/SGB II)

Finances: other options

What offers does the Studierendenwerk Darmstadt have?

Additional opportunities for students with children


Social Counselling

Tel (06151) 16-29859, 16-29860


Mensa Stadtmitte S1|11
room 119, 120
Alexanderstr. 4, 64283 Darmstadt

Campus Hochschule Darmstadt
Studierendenhaus C23, room 04.07
Schöfferstraße 3, 64295 Darmstadt

Info on the current counselling can be found here