FAQ - Preparation: Visa and Finances
Questions and answers for a good start to your studies in Darmstadt.
Depending on your country of origin, you have to apply for a visa before you enter Germany
• EU citizens do not need a visa (freedom of movement applies)
• Non-EU citizens can apply for their visa for the purpose of studying in Germany at a German diplomatic representation (embassy/consulate general) in their home country, after they have received a study admission or an admission to an entrance examination at the “Studienkolleg”. For that they will need the original letter of admission amongst other things. Please take into account that the review of your request can take several months!
• Exception: Citizens from Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea or the US can enter without a visa.
• More information:
- You will have to make sure that you can finance your studies in Germany before your arrival. Getting a residence permit requires you to prove that you do have the necessary funds for living in Germany (as stated in § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 AufenthG).
- You have to guarantee that you have at least 11.208€ (since WiSe 23/24) at your disposal per year. The amount is based on the maximum of the student loan “BAföG”, which is 934€ per month.
- There are different possibilities to prove, that your situation is financially sound:
- Using a so called blocked account, where you will have to deposit 11.208€ is the most common option. You are allowed to withdraw a maximum of 934€ monthly from this account. Attention: In order to extend your visa you will need to prove that your living expenses are again covered after one year. Meaning that you will have to have the same amount of money (11.208€) – as the year before – on a blocked account.
- You can also deposit a security of 11.208€ at a German bank.
- A person living in Germany can give a formal obligation/commitment according to § 68 AufenthG.
- A person living in a non-EU country can give a formal obligation/commitment according to § 68 AufenthG. The formal obligation will have to be approved by a German embassy or consulate. This option is not always successful, due to various reasons.
- If you have secured a scholarship that is equal to or more than 934€ per month.
Be aware:
- If you are from a Non-EU country, your work permit is restricted. It is also not intended for you to finance your study through work. You can only earn some additional funds with the work permit. In addition, before receiving the residence permit you are only allowed to work, if your visa explicitly allows the employment (according to §16 of the residence law)
- You should make sure that you can finance your studies before coming to Germany, as you will regularly have to show that you have the funds required to do so.
- You will normally not be able to get government aid, unless special circumstances apply.
- Information regarding financing your studies (jobs, scholarships,…) can be found at comeTOgether or Linksammlung
- Additionally, you can get advice from our social couselling or the Service Point from our finance department.
- Darmstadt is a popular place to study and live. Therefore, the prices for accommodation are higher than in other cities of comparable size. For a room you will pay around 350-650 €, There may be additional costs for electricity, gas, telephone and internet (approx. 50 €).
- We recommend looking at accommodation outside of Darmstadt city. You will get a semester ticket, which will allow you to travel with a range of buses and trains in Hesse, for free.
In some way that is up to you. In addition to rent (350-650 €) you should budget about 550 – 620 € per month. In total both sums will add up to 900 – 1.270 € per month. The semester fee that you have to pay every half year is included in that amount, as well as a fee for public TV and broadcasting stations. If you can get cheaper accommodation the total might be lower (also depending on your lifestyle). However, if you calculate with this price range you will not have financial issues.
- In Darmstadt your monthly expenses are comprised by the following items:
- Rent (includes additional charges): 350-650 €
- Food: 160 €
- Clothing: 70 €
- Mobile phone / communication: 35 €
- Leisure time: 60 €
- Health Insurance: approx. 130 - 150 €
- Materials (for your studies): 50 €
- If applicable TV and radio fees "Rundfunkbeitrag": 20 €
Of course the expenses can be significantly higher or lower, depending on your lifestyle and circumstances. The expenses for living are much reduced if you have the possibility to live with your parents/relatives. It could also be that your expenses are higher due to expensive learning materials or the need to participate in excursions.
A monthly portion of the semester fee is included in this calculation (56,67€). They are not significant compared to universities in other countries, still you will have to pay around 340 € each semester. They are benefits included and you will easily get your moneys worth. The fees are comprised of:
- Ticket for public transport: around 177 €
- Fees for the Studierendenwerk: 93 €
- Handling fee: 50 €
- Fee for the body of students: 14.50 €
- Call-a-bike/DB Rent: 2.38 €
- Cooperation AStA and Staatstheater Darmstadt: 0.75 € (only TU)
- Cooperation Moller Haus: 0,25 € (only TU)
- Culture ticket €2.72 (h_da only)
- FZS membership €0.40 (TU only: “Free subsidy from the student body”)
- "Härtefonds": 0.40 € (only TU)
Extract from the fee for public TV and broadcasting stations: “Diversity and quality for everyone – this is the task of the offers of the public broadcast on the radio, TV and internet, which are free to receive. The fee finances the program of the public broadcast based on solidarity. The aim in doing so is to guarantee an equity as large as possible. In that case, solidarity means that all citizens, companies, institutions and facilities of the common welfare contribute in order that everyone can benefit.”
The amount of the fee for public TV and broadcasting stations is calculated per flat and is 17,50 € per month.
IMPORTANT: You will also have to pay the fee if you do not own a TV.
You can find more information on the Website of the public broadcasting services.
If you do not have a bank account with a bank active in Germany or a German bank that should be at the top of your list. Since many fees and wages will only be transferred electronically. You can bring cash with you for the first 1-2 months, in order to pay deposits or similar things directly. Wiring money from other countries might take time and often requires fees.
- Advice on our Servicepoint financing on BAföG, scholarships, Kfw loan,...
- Information on scholarships and other counselling services can be found here and in the link collection on Servicepoint financing.
- Information on finding a job and job offers can be found at comeTOgether.
- If you have questions about financing options (without BAföG) and job options, please contact our social counselling or our comeTOgether tutors.
- Housing allowance - can be applied for by students who are not entitled to BAföG. Our social counselling will also advise you on this.