
The HONEDA Network

The HONEDA Network

Beyond its own sustainability measures, cooperation with other stakeholders from associated universities is an important component of the Studierendenwerk's sustainability management.

To this end, a small group of people founded the HONEDA network in 2018. HONEDA stands for Universities for Sustainable Development in Darmstadt. The Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, the TU Darmstadt, the Studierendenwerk, the TU's Sustainability Group and the university's Student Initiative for Sustainable Development have joined forces for this purpose. HONEDA's motivation: Together, we can achieve a lot more for the common goal of sustainable development.

It is important to HONEDA to show that sustainable development in society and the economy needs the cooperation and participation of each individual. Only together can we do something about global problems such as global warming, species extinction and the overuse of resources.

We will continue the "Sustainability Week" organised by HONEDA for the first time in 2019 with four "Sustainability Days" in February, May, August and November.

For more information about the HONEDA network and the Sustainability Days visit our website

There you can also find more information about our previous events.


Sustainability Manager

Georg Richarz

Porträt des Nachhaltigkeitsmanagers Georg Richarz

phone: 06151 16-29438
