Contact persons BAföG und Auftstiegs-BAföG
The responsibilities of our contact persons are based on the first letters of their surnames.
Student BAföG
Telephone consultation hours:
Mon - Fri - 9 am - 12 pm
Please note the individual availability days.
We ask for your understanding if your contact person is not fully available at the times stated.
If your contact person is absent, please send your request by e-mail.
In urgent cases, you can contact a member of staff from the respective group area of responsibility (1 or 2) by telephone, based on the first letters of the surnames:
Group 1: A-Kro (Lanois, Arslan, Jung, Kibnowski)
Group 2: Krp-Z (Opfer, Haller, Gajewski, Fischer, Geißler)
Below you will find your contact person.
(Status: 01.07.2024)
Bereich | Sachbearbeiterin | Telefon (06151) | Erreichbarkeitstage | |
A - Bem
Hok - Ik |
Katharina Lanois | 16-29949 | Mo - Wed, Fr | |
Ben - Elh Il - Jen | Gülsen Arslan | 16-29944 | Tue - Fr | |
Eli - Gg
Jeo - Kac |
Kerstin Jung | 16-29952 | Tue, Thu, Fr | |
Gh - Hoj
Kad - Kap |
Sandra Kibnowski | 16-29957 | Mo - Thu | |
Krp - Mon
Kaq - Kek |
Sabine Opfer | 16-29956 | Mo, Tue, Thu | |
Moo - Reu
Kel - Kil |
Katja Haller | 16-29963 | Mon, Tue, Thu, Fr | |
Rev - Schue
Kim - Kob |
Ulrike Gajewski | 16-29950 | Mo, Tue, Thu | |
Schufa - Tur
Koc - Kos |
Ines Fischer | 16-29948 | Mo, Tue, Thu | |
Tus - Z
Kot - Kro |
Nadine Geißler | 16-29947 | Mo - Wed | |
Payment by instalments Deferment |
Elcira Bergholz | 16-29946 | Tue - Thu | |
Aufstiegs-BAföG (no students!)
A - N · Carmen Gissler · Tel (06151) 16-29953 · Mo 9-12 Uhr
O - Z · Nadine Forano Pardo · Tel (06151) 16-29954 · Wed 11-14 Uhr
For staffing reasons, we are forced to restrict our telephone hours. We ask for your understanding, as otherwise it will not be possible to process applications on time.