... a program for more students with a migration background
The project “Vielfalt leben – vom Ihr zum WIR” (“Diverse living – from them to US”) aims to facilitate co-operation of students/prospective students with a migration background and society so that diversity can be experienced as enriching. This facilitates change towards an open society and equality of opportunities.
It is essential to improve the negative attitude towards migration background focused primarily on deficits or shortcomings to build a positive point of view that focuses on existing strengths and resources. This can only be achieved collectively with the involvement of an increasing number of people willing to partake in an interactive exchange to create and grow trust and mutual understanding. „Vielfalt leben – vom Ihr zum WIR“ specifically focuses on addressing this need. The project is grounded on three key pillars: Interface analysis and networking, inclusion of secondary school students with a migration background and their parents as well as a diversity/interculturality focus of human resources development in the Studierendenwerk.
Within the scope of „Studium+M – A program for more students with a migration background“, the project „Vielfalt leben – vom Ihr zum WIR“ will be partially funded by the Mercator foundation and supported by the Deutsches Studentenwerk until the end of 2018.
On the blog "studiumplusm" the five pilot projects write about their current experiences. We represent Darmstadt on the blog with our project "Vielfalt leben - vom Ihr zum Wir".