Play ITT – in Cooperation with AWO Darmstadt Familienzentrum (Family Center) Martinsviertel

Play ITT - in Cooperation with AWO Darmstadt Familienzentrum (Family Center) Martinsviertel

Thu, 7.11.2024 7°° pm Meeting point: Heiner-Lehr-Zentrum Am Kopernikusplatz 64289 Darmstadt

Come to ITT's game night every first Thursday of the month (not during the winter break) at the Heiner-Lehr-Zentrum! Just come by and enjoy the evening with new people! We will provide a selection of games, but you are welcome to bring games with you as well! Until 10 p.m.



Intercultural Tutors Team

Mensa Stadtmitte
Alexanderstraße 4
64283 Darmstadt
